Over the next 5 weeks in Bethany Church we will be looking at our series ‘A broken world?’
This Sunday (27th September) Paul Coulter will be with us speaking from Hebrews 12:3-17 on ‘Peace and Holiness in a broken world – Christian faith through the coronavirus pandemic’
Paul will be back again on 4th October continuing to look at Hebrews 12 (v18-19), speaking on ‘Reverence and Awe in a broken world – Church through the coronavirus pandemic’
Stephen Shaw will be teaching from Ecclesiastes as we continue in our series.
11th October – Who broke our world?
18th October – How to live well in a broken world…
25th October – Who will fix our broken world?
“Without God and the future life? It means everything is permitted now, one can do anything…”. Dostoevsky- The Brothers Karamazov
Our Small Groups will be starting back shortly and we will be looking at questions from our new series when we meet in our groups. Please look out for more information on this
We have now returned to our church building on a Sunday – at a reduced capacity. If you wish to attend it is important you book in by e-mailing:
register [at] bethanychurch.org.uk (register[at]bethanychurch[dot]org[dot]uk).
As not everyone is able to attend we are still continuing to do our Sunday services online and these can be accessed via our social media channels.
If you need to get in contact please get in touch using the ‘contact page’ on our website.