Parents & Toddlers

Are you looking for somewhere fun and engaging to bring your toddler to this year? Parents & Toddlers at Bethany is open to all pre-school aged children and their parents or carers. It runs every Thursday (term-time) in the Bethany Centre from 10.15am – 11.45am. We are starting back on Thursday 12th January after our Christmas break and new faces are always very welcome!

We have an excellent and friendly team of volunteers who aim to provide a safe and happy environment for your child to play and engage with the other children who attend each week. It is also a good space for parents and carers to chat with our team and connect with others over a cup of tea/coffee.

Each Thursday there are supervised stations for painting, playdough, Lego building, jigsaws, free play and other activities. We also have snack time, with a coffee break for parents, and come together as a group for songs, rhymes and dancing!

*Please note that parents or carers must stay on the premises with their children.