I AM | Jesus in His Own Words

This summer we will be exploring the “I Am’ statements of Jesus.

Jesus said many things that challenged His listeners. He often spoke in parables and in metaphors. He used figurative language to relate common objects or concepts with Himself or His Kingdom so that people could better understand His character and purpose.

In the book of John, there are seven times in which Jesus says “I am ____.” Each statement gives us a glimpse into God’s character and what He’s like. 

“The ‘I Am’ statements give us a description of what Jesus is in relationship with people…they give a fuller picture of who Jesus is and what He offers us to live more fully”.


4th | The Bread of Life

11th | The Light of the World

18th | The Door

25th | The Good Shepherd


1st | The Resurrection & the Life


15th | The Way, The Truth, The Life

22nd | The Vine


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