Providence & Priorities

Choosing God in Hardship & in Privilege

“May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.” (Ruth 2:12)

Ruth is a book about very ordinary people facing vey ordinary events – Naomi – hardship and bereavement to peace and security, Ruth the foreigner refugee who chose the living God and received His blessing. Boaz the man of influence who chose kindness and made choices that fitted into God’s purposes for history.

In the account of ordinary lives we discern the hand of a God who cares, sustains and provides. There is a value on human life as precious to God and others, understanding the purposes of God which transcends barriers of race. We learn of God’s providence and divine perspective and share with these characters that ‘under His wings in the pains and joys of our ordinariness may be found the security of His ‘refuge’

16th May | Choosing God in Hardship – Ruth

23rd May | Providence and Priorities 2021

30th May | Choosing God in Privilege – Boaz

Small groups meet on alternate Sunday evenings. Please get in touch to find out more.


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