In September at our Family Service we will be learning from the book of Nehemiah under the theme: ‘Rebuilding & Renewing’.
After 70 years in exile, the Jews had returned home and rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem. They were able to worship God in their own land, but the city still lay in ruins. The once-great capital of the promised land was a depressing rubble heap exposed to her enemies.
The book of Nehemiah is his story in his own words. In the first part of the book, Nehemiah focuses on the task of rebuilding the wall. In the second part, Nehemiah focuses on reforming the people to bring spiritual revival to Jerusalem.
September 2018
2nd – Discovering the Need | Nehemiah 1
9th – Mobilising the Team | Nehemiah 2/3
16th – Facing Opposition | Nehemiah 4
23rd – Dealing with Injustice | Nehemiah 5
30th – Reading the Law | Nehemiah 8