Global Hymn Sing 2018 – Join Us

On Sunday 25th February Bethany Church will be joining in the 2018 #TheTaskUnfinished Global Hymn Sing featuring the song “Jesus Shall Reign.”

Have a listen to the video to familiarise yourself with this contemporary take on this hymn.

29% of the world’s population live in places where they have little or no access to a Bible, a church or a believer. That’s over 2 billion individuals, or 6,900 people groups that are considered unreached and in need of someone sent from outside their community to share Jesus with them.

This year, on February 25, we want to invite your church to join thousands across the globe from many nations to lift voices together and sing this setting of Psalm 66, proclaiming in faith that one day:

“Jesus shall reign where’re the sun,
Does its successive journeys run,
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till moons shall wax and wane no more.”

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